We have introduced leaf mould and composting areas at Town Gardens and Queens Park as well as local Bloom projects at Cambria Bridge and Pipers Way. We hope to introduce more local composting initiatives in the future. The Parish Council has also invested in a new chipper to allow us to process woody waste material.
All the bedding plants that we buy are grown using peat-free compost and wherever possible when we buy plants from local garden centres or nurseries, we try to source plants grown in either peat free or peat reduced compost.
Our bedding plant supplier collects the used plant cell trays which are then sent off to be recycled and re-used as new trays and pots.
We also use soil improver compost from a local waste company made from 100% green waste as well as our own leaf mould collected from the Town Gardens. In the future, we hope to be able to supply our own compost for various Bloom projects as well as for use within the formal parks.
The use of glyphosate has been prohibited by the Parish Council and therefore strimming has become more important for controlling, as appropriate, the grass growth around obstructions and margins of roadside verges and open spaces.
Water storage containers have been installed to collect rainwater from the roof of buildings in Town Gardens and Queens Park as well as water butts in a number of our community gardens. We plan to increase the number of water storage containers wherever practicable.
There are several segregated waste bins provided in Town Gardens and Queens Park where visitors are encouraged to recycle their rubbish in addition to the general waste bins.
The Parish Council has invested in a range of electric / battery powers hand tools for strimming, hedge cutting etc as well as an electric vehicle.
There are numerous bird nesting boxes which have been installed in various parks and green spaces. These have been constructed and maintained by a couple of dedicated volunteers.
Bug Boxes have also been provided in a number of our parks as well as a giant bug hotel made by the local community at Cambria Bridge.